Yesterday on Facebook, I mentioned that I was baking breads for a wine tasting party later in the evening. I was making Parmesan and Herb Foccaccia and a Rustic Artisan Loaf to accompany the food bar.
Loads of my friends asked for pictures. So I obliged. Then they asked for the recipe. Hence, this blog entry. I used the Master Dough Recipe from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.
The instructions for foccaccia were straight forward. I oiled my baking pan (I used a quarter sheet) with a good olive oil. Then I cut off a one pound piece of dough from my pre-made master dough. With damp fingers I spread it into the pan. It takes patience working with the dough to get it to extend.
Then I sprinkled the top with Dried Italian Seasoning followed by garlic powder, onion powder, fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt. Finally, I liberally covered it with grated parmesan cheese and shredded mozzarrella.

The last few things to do: I lightly pressed the mixture into the dough, and then DEEPLY dimpled the top. This step is important, as it makes the foccaccia less likely to round up too much in the middle. Also, those dimples catch the gratuitous drizzle of more olive oil on top that is the last step of assembly.
After allowing the foccaccia to rest and rise at room temperature for forty minutes, I baked it in a 425 degree oven for twenty minutes with steam. (Place a shallow pan on any other shelf in the oven while oven pre-heats. Pour one cup of hot water into the pan and quickly close the oven door after putting in foccaccia.)

Cool completely and cut into servings.
The bread was very well received at the party. In fact, my girlfriend has requested birthday foccaccia instead of cake! Imagine that!
Please try this tasty bread, and let me know what you think.
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