I believe in the power of sister-friends. The older I become the more certain I am that sister-friends are life support, entertainment, wisdom founts and cheerleaders all rolled into one loving package.
I belong to a fabulous group of ladies called Women in the Light. Our fearless leader Jennifer V. established the group to encourage women of all ages, circumstances and abilities to build close and trustworthy relationships. We are a patchwork quilt of life seasons, careers, marital statuses and backgrounds. We all claim to follow Christ, but belong to different Christian denominations. None of us are hung up on the non-essentials of our faith.
The food theme for our get together this past Thursday was "Eat Your Veggies". While Jennifer V. is our fearless leader, veggies have not been high on her list of "delicious eats". She has made great strides in the three years I've known her and now will try (and sometimes enjoy) vegetables. So, I was floored when she suggested this theme. I have to hand it to her: she IS fearless.
The photo at the top of this post is a delicious salad that Kelly brought: Spinach, carrots, ripe pears, feta and dried cranberries. It was served with a raspberry vinaigrette.
Jennifer M. brought Balsamic Peppers. They were an awesome balance of sweet and tart. Yum!

Dawn V. made a potato casserole that was to die for. Unfortunately, I missed taking a photo of that dish. I forgot that it was in the oven finishing up. But can I just tell you this? Potatoes, sour cream and cheese = comfort. I also missed Michelle's Black Bean and Corn Salad. I did not realize it was on the menu until forks had been hoisted. And by then... well, it was too late. Okay, it wasn't too late. I just wasn't going to stop eating to take more photos. *blush*
Jennifer V. made a Broccoli Casserole and I made Asian Noodle Salad.

I ate entirely too much food. I had a nice bowl of salad and a plate of all of the goodness.

In keeping with the vegetable theme, there was Carrot Cake for dessert. I just couldn't manage any. I'd already filled up on my veggies.
After our veggie feast, we sat down to continue building our scrapbook cookbooks. Yes, we share all of our recipes between us. Didn't I say that sister-friends are invaluable???
1 comment:
Jalanda, you are so awesome. And yes I am trying to eat better! :))))
Thank you for being an integral part of our sister-friend group
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