Well hello there! I'm glad that you are still here... lots of long breaks posting this past year, and for that I apologize. But 2011 is on the horizon, and that means another chance to get back on the regular posting schedule.
This year has been a rocking and rolling one. Ups and downs, highs and lows. But always, ALWAYS blessed.

Today was especially wonderful because my cousin from Boston came to visit us here in Florida! After a day of local sightseeing, a great burger lunch at a diner and a trip to the beach, we came home ready to start a great home cooked dinner.
We had the familiar baked chicken, jasmine rice and steamed broccoli dinner. My sister's homemade gravy transported all of us to a gastronomic Nirvana! It's funny how simple wholesome foods feed our appetites as well as our souls.
While I most often make dessert from scratch, I wanted more than ever to spend time talking and catching up with my cousin. So, I created a colorful spread of sweet nibbles and fresh and ripe fruits to enjoy around the table as conversation, coffee and wine flowed.

Great, simple food. Beautiful arrangement. Loving and funny conversation. Just perfect!
Here's to 2011 and to you!